Modern Quote Solutions

Be ahead of your competitors with a contact form that provides a quote to clients, as well as leads, in the blink of an eye.

The worlds first automatic quote plugin for WordPress!

Quoting for jobs doesn’t have to be slow and complex. It can be fast and automatic, leaving you to do what you do best!

Why Choose Us

Realtime Quoting

As soon as the potential client completes the form, they are sent an email with a quote!

Distance Matters

Our plugin finds the driveable distance to the location, not a straight line, and works out the cost for you automatically.

Lead Generation

Whenever a client makes a request, you are also sent an email with their details and personal quote.

Responsive Support

We might be a small team, but our customer service and technical support are second to none.

Easy setup

We take over all the complex stuff, to make your life easier. Unlike other plugins, we don’t ask you to make a second account anywhere.

Custom Settings

Set your travel cost, job charge, minimum and maximum work time and more!

Designed and built by artists, for artists!

Want to give it a try?

Give it a go yourself using our preconfigured settings!